Dr Stephen Kershaw
Honorary Reader - Life Sciences
- Life Sciences
Research supervision
Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr Yue Li (Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology, China), visited Brunel Aug 2000 - Aug 2001. Funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences. (5 international English papers, 2 Chinese papers).
Dr Xiaoping Yang (Beijing Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development), visited Brunel May-Oct 2002, funded by her Institute.
Dr Anne-Christine Da Silva (University of Liége, Belgium, June 2008 and February – October 2009), funded by Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Belgium.
Postgraduate Researchers
Past students
Dewez, Thomas; Thesis title: Geomorphic markers and elevation models as tools for tectonic geomorphology in central Greece - PhD awarded 2003. Joint first supervisor. Funded by Brunel University.
Teasdale, Phillip: Thesis title: Holocene salt marsh accretion and relative sea-level change in western Scotland. Status: PhD awarded 2005. Second supervisor
Costa, Pedro: Thesis title: Sedimentary signatures of abrupt marine invasions and sudden environmental changes. Status: Mphil awarded October 2006. Second supervisor. Self-funded
Kalisperi, Despina: Thesis working title: Investigation of uplift patterns, western Crete.PhD awarded 2009. First supervisor. Funded by Greek State Scholarship Foundation.
Moisidi, Margarita: Thesis working title: Geophysical signatures of active structural domains in southern Crete. PhD awarded 2010. First supervisor. Funded by Greek State Scholarship Foundation.
Al-Maslamani, Mohammed: Thesis title: Assessment of atmospheric emissions due to anthropogenic activities In The State Of Qatar. PhD awarded 2009. First supervisor. Funded by Qatar State funding.
Zuniga De Leon, David: Thesis title: Flood dynamics, hazards and risks in an active alluvial fan system, threatening Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, México. Started Feb 2008. First supervisor. Funded by PROMEP Mexican government research programme.
Salih, Nihad: Thesis title: Civil Engineering solutions to problems with dams and reservoirs in Iraq.Second supervisor. PhD awarded 2013.
WANG, Guan: Thesis title: Biotic structure, morphology and palaeogeographic pattern of the reefs from the shihniulan formation (Aeronian, Llandovery, Silurian), Tongzi, North Guizhou, China. Awarded July 2014 in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing. Second supervisor. Funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences.
TANG, Hao: Thesis title: Characterizing microbialites in critical transitions of Earth history: cases from the early Cambrian Period and the Permian-Triassic Periods transition. Second supervisor. Awarded July 2017 in Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China. Funded by his university.