Dr Michael Koch
Reader in Human Resource Management-Organisational Behaviour
Eastern Gateway 104L
- Email: michael.koch@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268156
- Organisations and People
Research Interests
Dr Koch’s research focuses on the antecedents and consequences of individual career mobility. This includes the quantitative analysis of career patterns using sequence analysis, and research on the relationship between career mobility and career outcomes, for example in terms of life satisfaction, mental wellbeing and income. Dr Koch’s work on career mobility is mostly based on the analyses of large-scale panel datasets. Dr Koch also conducts qualitative research on careers, and is currently completing a project on career attitudes and aspirations of British and German gig economy workers which was funded by the British Academy. His work was nominated for the Best Paper Prize of the Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society and won the Best Symposium Award of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management. Dr Koch’s methodological interests include Structural Equation Modelling and Sequence Analysis.
Dr Koch currently serves as an editorial board member of the International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS3) and regularly reviews submissions for a number of scholarly outlets, including Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Relations, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Social Science & Medicine.