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Professor Kate Hoskins
Professor of Education

Gaskell 224


 I supervise students in the following areas of research:

  • Education and social policy analysis
  • Inequalities and poverty
  • Identity
  • Higher education systems
  • Pedagogy and beliefs
  • Education leadership

Current student projects:

The experience of students admitted through contextual admissions to high tariff universities in England. ESRC fully funded scholarship.

A study of first generation immigrant professional female Iranians’ experience of their efforts, opportunity and need to achieve acculturation and social inclusion, specifically in relation to learning and communicating in English, following their migration to Britain after the diaspora caused by the Iranian revolution in 1979.

Transformation of citizenship education in England and its relation to KS3 pupils’ identities and citizenship.

Initial Teacher Training and school exclusion.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the career ambitions and expectations of year 11 girls from low-income families attending a comprehensive school? 

New Teachers Experiences of Instructional Coaching.

Perceptions and experiences of 20 female and male headteachers in London primary LA schools regarding challenges and opportunities they have experienced in their pursuit of success.


Equality and Diversity in Secondary Schools in London. Minor changes awarded, 2023.

Research supervision

I supervise PhD students on a range of topics including education policy, identities in education, early years, pedagogy and governance.