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GTM (Google Tag Manager): Tag naming convention, cookie control, cookie declaration and maintenance


This guide is for Marketing and associated agencies only.

When creating new tags, please follow the following tag naming convention and cookie compliance requirements. Tags and triggers for completed campaigns need to be removed annually.

Naming convention

Please follow this naming convention when creating new tags.

[Agency name/initials*] - [Year**] - [Medium***] - [Service ****] - [Title of tag]

* Must have if added by agency
**Year should be added tags that are for a duration, e.g. campaigns. Leave out for permanent items
*** Must specify, i.e. Website/CRM
**** Specify if applicable. FB, Twitter, etc
Should make it obvious what the tag is about

All the tags that have a year should be reviewed periodically, e.g. annually, to remove unnecessary scripts.

Cookie control

Please ensure you set correct cookie consent for cookie compliance.

Three triggers are available in GTM:

  • Cookie Consent Marketing
  • Cookie Consent Preferences
  • Cookie Consent Statistics

Tags that are setting cookies within one of these three categories must only be triggered when the user has consented. For this, replace the existing Firing Trigger on each cookie-setting tag with the relevant cookie-trigger, e.g. ‘Cookie Consent Marketing’ for Facebook Pixel:

Facebook Pixel

If a tag requires multiple triggers (either multiple cookie categories or conditions) then create Trigger Group and add relevant triggers, setting 'This trigger fires on' to 'All conditions'. Replace the tag's existing trigger with this Trigger Group, e.g. Ad conversion tracking on course search for a campaign:

Trigger Group

Cookie declaration

When introducing a third party service on our website, please declare any third party cookies.

Annual review

Evaluate each tag using three scenarios and take action accordingly:

  • If the tag is for a completed event/campaign that won't be reused, then delete the tag
  • If the tag is for a completed event/campaign that may be reused for a future campaign, pause the tag (in essence archiving for future use)
  • If the tag must to be active for current activity

Finally, delete redundant triggers that are no not used anywhere.

Key takeaways

  1. When adding campaign tags, set consent
  2. When introducing a third party service, declare cookies
  3. When a campaign finishes, remove the associated tags and triggers