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Entries - Change the view of the entry listing


The entries listing screen is one of the most used screens in Contensis, but with only 5 columns providing limited information, it could be hard to find the content you were looking for – especially when you might have hundreds or thousands of entries using the same content type. So, we’ve added the ability to customise the columns that are displayed in the entries listing screen to let you create your own preferred view.

You can now add columns to display data from fields in your entries – creating a more detailed overview of your content and making it quicker and easier to find the entries you need. These columns can display images, entry references, booleans and text fields, as well as system fields such as URI, Entry ID and content owner.

This makes it possible to:

  • display courses with their associated course code, description, and entry requirements
  • sort content based on whether a boolean field such as “Show on homepage” is true or false
  • show the URI of the entry – useful if you need to see the web address of an entry without opening Site View
  • include a key image of each of your products in the listing screen

You can reorder columns, or remove any you are no longer using to save space on screen. Then, when you have a view you want to show off to the rest of your team, you can press the share view button in the toolbar to copy a shareable URL that you can paste in Slack, post on Teams or send via email.

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