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Medical Questionnaire/ Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire

The Medical Questionnaire or Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire addresses your general health and any medical condition that might prevent you from practising your chosen profession. If you have a disability that you would like assistance with, you can declare it directly to our  service, who will help make provision for any adjustments that you might require, you should also declare this on the  Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire

The Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire is completed online via a external Occupational Health company and will include a Pre-Course Health Questionnaire, a Covid risk assessment and confirmation of your immunisation history. Instructions will be sent to you by email once you hold an Unconditional Firm offer of a place. 

  • After you have completed the health assessments, the occupational health service will review your submission and contact you if further assessment or investigation is required.
  • The assessment may take a few weeks to complete and you may be asked to complete a telephone or in person consultation as part of the assessment process. You should take this into account when submitting the questionnaire, especially if you have anything to declare.
  • Where considered appropriate the occupational health service will advise the University of the need to consider any reasonable adjustments or additional support needs.
  • For these reasons you must complete the questionnaire by the given deadline so that we have sufficient time for your "fitness to practice" assessment to be completed before registration. 

You are required to complete the Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire before you can register on the course. If you do not complete the questionnaire by the required date, your registration will be delayed. This will impact completion of your course and delay your placement opportunities. 

The deadline for submission of the Pre Course Occupational Health Questionnaire is

17th August 2024.


Pre course health questionnaire

As part of the admissions process onto professional programmes such as Education, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work,  Physician Associate, MBBS, Nursing and Art Psychotherapy, it is important that the University receives comprehensive information concerning a student’s health and fitness, to ensure as far as possible that the student is in the best position to commence upon and benefit from such a course of study. Studying for and working within these professions can be demanding -  intellectually, emotionally and physically – and requires the student to meet prescribed standards of performance  that support eligibility to eventually register and practice as an education, health or social care professional.   

Outlined below are the principle reasons why we require you to make a full declaration of your health status and needs. This will enable the University to meet its obligations to you as a student, to the health and social care professions it is educating you for, and to other students and the general public. Please read this information carefully and complete the attached health declaration as fully as possible.

1. Attendance Requirements

For pre-registration programmes students are expected to attend 100% of the practical / tutorial / seminar sessions in academic modules and 100% of placement modules throughout their course of study; this is considered essential to developing safe practice. However, it is recognised some students, due to exceptional circumstances may not always meet this target. In such circumstances decisions will be made on an individual case by case basis.  This does not preclude students with disabilities or other identified needs from studying for these awards. Instead it is important to plan reasonable and timely adjustments to enable such students to meet these demands.

2. Participation in activities

Students on all professional courses are required to participate in roles such as patients or clients for some practical and experiential group work sessions. All students are fully informed of procedures before any sessions and during Induction week they are required to sign a summary consent form, but again, if there is any potential that a health issue might impact upon such participation it is important that the University is aware as early as possible.

3. Communicable Diseases

All students will be required to spend a minimum of 1000 hours involved in placements, in either hospitals or within the wider community. As such, they may come into contact with clients who have infectious conditions or with clients who are vulnerable to infections that students may be carrying. Although students are required to provide evidence of immunisation status as part of the admissions process, broader health information is important in order that we might identify any further need to protect students and/or vulnerable groups if necessary.

4. Professional Suitability

As soon as a student enrols onto a health or social care professions programme (e.g. Initial Teacher Education, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physician Associate, Social Work, MBBS and Art Psychotherapy), he/she becomes subject to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the relevant profession, for the duration of the programme and the rest of his/her professional career. These codes require the highest standards of personal conduct, honesty and integrity, in academic, professional and personal life, and also the ability of a student or practitioner to make insightful and appropriate judgements about their abilities to undertake the responsibilities required of them. There may be circumstances where, through no fault of the student’s, these demands are difficult to meet due in part to a health condition, and therefore advance notification of health needs can assist the University in identifying and supporting the student in such circumstances.


Updated 19 April 2024