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Dr Nadine Aburumman Dr Nadine Aburumman
Lecturer in Computer Science
Nadine researches real-time computer graphics and leads the Graphics and Extended Reality Team (GERT). She is a member of the Centre for AI: Social and Digital Innovation, where she co-coordinated the AI Centre Thought Leadership series (TLS) for two years (2023 and 2024). She is also a member of the Interactive Multimedia System (IMS) research group. Before joining Brunel, Nadine was a research associate at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN) at University College London (UCL). Prior to that, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT) funded by Centre International de Mathématiques et Informatique de Toulouse (CIMI) after a successful grant acquisition for 2 years (€ 80K). Before that, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, in the Institute for Multiscale Simulation (MSS). She completed her PhD studies in the ALCOR Lab at Sapienza University of Rome after being awarded a PhD Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Computer Graphics and Animation: Nadine has a broad interest in computer graphics and animation. Her primary area of research includes interactive character animation, real-time skinning, deformation, finite element methods, particle-based simulations, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, implicit skinning, collision detection, contact, and interactive physics. Immersive Reality (VR/AR/XR): Nadine is using VR/AR/XR in interdisciplinary research projects that include computing, cognitive neuroscience, social interaction, training, and education. Vision and Perception: SLAM, 3D reconstruction, feature detection, pattern recognition, structure from motion, and machine learning. External Collaborators Learning to Care: the Early Development of Empathy in Brain and Behaviour Project with Chiara Bulgarelli and Paola Pinti from the ToddlerLab, Birkbeck, University of London (Article in The Guardian: here) RESPECT4Neurodevelopment Project with Chiara Bulgarelli from the ToddlerLab, Birkbeck, University of London Exploring the Effect of Vibration Feedback in VR Training Settings with Hanene Benabdallah from Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE Droplet Interactions with Solid Surface with Prapanch Nair from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowship EPSRC postdoctoral fellowships Dec 2023: responsive mode (here). This fellowship is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK. This scheme will close to applications on 28 March 2023. Apply (here). Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions about this. For early career researchers, with a research record but who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic post, to undertake a significant piece of publishable work. The schema will close to applications on Monday 27 February. Apply (here). Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions. Computer Graphics and Animation Physically based Simulation Computer Vision Spatial Computing Immersive Reality (Virtual reality VR, Augmented reality AR, Mixed reality XR) Human Computer Interaction AI for Graphics and Vision AI-powered XR I have been nominated for the Lecturer of the Year Award at the Student Led Awards 2024. Teaching areas Computer Graphics Computer Vision and Machine Learning Digital Image Processing Computer Games Advanced Graphics and Animation Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Computational Arts Real-time Physics for Interactive Graphics AI and Robotics PG Modules: Module leader - MG5707- AI Technologies for Decision Makers (Level: Postgraduate). MSc dissertation supervision: CS5500 - MSc Dissertation (Level: Postgraduate- Supervision). UG Modules: Interim module leader for (Level: Undergraduate) CS1005 - Logic and Computation (March-August, 2022). Partial duties/Co-teaching: in (Level: Undergraduate) - CS3005 – Digital Media and Games - CS3001/CS3606 – Advanced Topics in Computer Science (Mixed Reality) - CS2001 – (Level: Undergraduate) Level 2 Group Project - CS3009 – Human Computer Interaction (Term 1, Academic year 2020/2021) Final Year Project (FYP) supervision: CS3072/CS3605 – (Level: Undergraduate - Supervision) Level 3/ Final Year Projects (FYP) [See here some of my students' work] Placement supervision: CS2555 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Work Placement (ISC - thick) Tutoring Level 1: CS1701 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Level 1 Group Project (team) [See here a video of the Finch Robot code integration task] Tutoring Level 2: CS2001 – (Level: Undergraduate - supervision) Level 2 Group Project (team) Module reviewer: CS3607 – (Level: Undergraduate) e-Business Undergraduate/Graduate Supervision Nadine supervised more than 112 undergraduate students at Brunel (40 FYPs, 46 Level 2 Group Project, 18 Level 1 Group Project, and 8 Work Placement students). Nadine's student Mariama Kebbeh Suko won the 2021 British Computer Society (BCS) prize for her FYP dissertation (VividlyARTeaching African & Black History with AR), a demo of Mariam's project can be found here. Brandon Michael's work on Exploring Language Pedagogy with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence (FYP) has been accepted for publication at the 41st Computer Graphics & Visual Computing Conference (CGVC) 2023. Brandon's paper can be found (here). Nadine supervised more than 16 MSc successful dissertations (10 dissertations at Brunel) between Computer Graphics, AI, and Data Analysis students, and (6 dissertations at UCL, UK, and IRIT, France). She marked in total 25 MSc dissertations. Summer Internship Supervision Vasily Bochagov (1st July - 30th August 2022) EduVR: A WebVR Interaction Environment for Remote Collaboration. A demo can be found here. Rozerin Baran (1st July - 31st July 2023) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI project): Be Brunel: School Outreach Kits.
Dr Timothy Cribbin Dr Timothy Cribbin
Email Dr Timothy Cribbin Senior Lecturer
I am an information scientist with interests and expertise in information visualisation, interactive search UIs and text analytics. I was awarded a BSc (Hons) Psychology from the University of Portsmouth in 1994 and an MSc Industrial Psychology from the University of Hull in 1996. In 2006, I was awarded a PhD from Ҵý for research exploring the use of spatial-semantic interfaces for exploratory document search. After working as a researcher for several years, I was appointed as a lecturer here at the Department of Computer Science (formerly DISC) in 2001. I have taught a wide range of subjects, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, including information visualization, human-computer interaction, statistics, databases and programming. I have worked on a number of funded projects during my career, primarily researching new methods and applications of visual text analytics in diverse areas such as requirements elicitation for end-user medical devices and the online development of radical/extremist group identities. I am a founder and lead programmer on the Chorus Twitter analytics project. I have published widely over a number of topics including document similarity modelling and visualization, social media analytics, citation-based search user interfaces and science mapping. I regularly act as reviewer for many conferences and journals in the areas of information science, social media analytics and information visualisation. I'm primarily interested in how we can process, model and interact with large text collections in order to uncover useful insights. My research career has broadly focused on designing and evaluating algorithms, interaction models and end-user tools that support search, navigation, exploration and sense-making within connected information spaces like scholarly publications and social media (e.g. Twitter). My early work focused on the use of interactive visualisation to support search and sense-making in digital document collections, primarily using the distance-similarity or spatial-semantic metaphor. Key contributions in this area included the application of geodesic distance and second-order similarity transformations to optimise the balance between local and global semantic structure in spatial layouts. This was followed by work exploring the use of citation-enhanced information retrieval in scholarly databases (e.g. citation chain aggregation) and then, most recently algorithms and tools to support social media based research (see Chorus: Whilst I still maintain an interest in information visualisation, I am now mainly focused on developing and applying text and citation analytics techniques to live social-media research contexts. This specifically includes author profiling and community detection for demographic/interests-based sampling and classifying UGC according to stance (i.e. sentiment or intent). I am usually open to new collaborations and PhD supervisions, in any of the above areas. Information visualisation Information retrieval Text mining Interaction design / HCI Digital libraries Social media analytics Leader of CS5703 Data Visualisation Part-teaching duties on CS5602 Digital Service Design Applications, CS1703 "Data and Information" Level 1, Masters and Placement Tutor Supervisory duties for final year Undergraduate and Masters dissertation projects Deputy Senior Tutor (Academic Misconduct)
Professor George Ghinea Professor George Ghinea
Email Professor George Ghinea Professor - Mulsemedia Computing
I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Ҵý. I obtained my BSc. Degree with Computer Science and Mathematics majors from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. I later went on to obtain BSc. (Hons.) and MSc. Degrees, both in Computer Science, from the same university. I was awarded my PhD – Quality of Perception: An Essential Facet of Multimedia Communications - from the University of Reading, UK, in 2000. In it, I proposed the Quality of Perception metric, a precursor of the Quality of Experience (QoE) concept now widely known. However, whilst QoE is still a concept, QoP is a concrete metric. Thus, recognising the infotainment duality of multimedia, QoP not only characterises the subjective enjoyment associated with experiencing multimedia presentations, but also how such presentations aid a person\'s ability to assimilate informational content. My research activities lie at the confluence of Computer Science, Media and Psychology. In particular, my work focuses on the area of perceptual multimedia quality and how one builds end-to-end communication systems incorporating user perceptual requirements. I have applied my expertise in areas such as eye-tracking, telemedicine, multi-modal interaction, and ubiquitous and mobile computing. I am particularly interested in building human-centred e-systems, particularly integrating human perceptual requirements. My work has been funded by both national and international funding bodies – all of it being collaborative work with other teams and stakeholders I have been privileged to be involved with. I have also been honoured to supervise 33 PhD students to completion and to have published over 350 high-quality research articles with them and other research collaborators. Currently, my research pursuits are centered on extending the notion of multimedia with that of mulsemedia – a term which I have put forward to denote multiple sensorial media, ie. media applications that go beyond engaging the by now traditional auditory and visual senses, engaging three of our other human in a realistic manner akin to our experiences of everyday life. • Multimedia and multimodal interactive environments• Mulsemedia applications and environments• Adaptive, cross-layer communication systems• Human-centred e-systems• Mobile and pervasive computing• Communications security • Multimedia and multimodal interactive environments • Mulsemedia applications and environments • Adaptive, cross-layer communication systems • Human-centred e-systems • Mobile and pervasive computing • Communications security I currently lead the level 7 postgraduate module Research Project Management.
Dr stasha Lauria Dr stasha Lauria Dr Stanislao Lauria has a Laurea awarded by The University of Studies “Federico II” of Napoli in Italy. He holds a Ph.D. in Cybernetics from The University of Reading, UK. Dr Stanislao Lauria is a Lecturer at Ҵý. Previously he was research fellow at the University of Plymouth and at the University of Reading. Dr. S. Lauria has been working in the area of intelligent robotics for more than 15 years, and is particularly specialised in modelling and training mobile robots by means of intelligent human-machine interactions. Specifically, he has investigated the use of various frameworks for representing knowledge and converting natural language into robot-understandable actions. He has established the Brunel Robotics Laboratory performing exploratory experiments on cognitive mobile robots. He has also investigated the use of various Artificial Intelligence paradigms for various signal processing domains. His current activities focus on Machine-Human interactions. In particular, he is investigating the implication of Social Media on Human-Robot interactions and dialogue management aspects. Finally, he is exploring the use of robotics as an educational tool. Neural Networks Pattern Recognition/Processing Natural Language based interactions Dialogue Based systems. Multi Agent Architectures. Robotics Machine-Human Interactions Social Network and Machine-Human interactions Big Data searches. Dr Lauria has been involved in designing delivering and assessing several teaching modules with a particular emphasis on programming. Therefore, suitable methods to allow students at a beginner level to increase their confidence in programming have been introduced. The aim has been to both introduce alternative paradigms to stimulate student motivation and to increase student’s perception of their own skills. As part of various outreaching programs Dr. Lauria has developed some innovative methods based on short interactive sessions to allow naive user to be able to control and program robots. Teaching areas. Computer Networks Programming Languages Database Software Engineering Database Algorithms
Dr Arthur Money Dr Arthur Money Dr Arthur G. Money is a Reader in the Department of Computer Science at Ҵý, where he also received his MSc in Distributed Information Systems with distinction in 2001 and PhD in Multimedia Computing in 2007. Prior to embarking on a fully funded EPSRC PhD scholarship in 2004, he worked for Oracle UK Ltd as an e-Business Technology Consultant. Dr Money’s research focuses on the user-centred design, development and evaluation of multimedia computing systems and the effective deployment of these systems with users who have complex needs spanning a range of domains including older adults, healthcare, education, and defence. Multimedia Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, 3D Mobile Virtual Reality, Video Summarisation, Assistive Technologies for Health Care, Serious Games, Inclusive Access in HCI, Human Factors, User-Centred Design, Emotion and Affective Computing, e-Government and e-Inclusion. Module leader: CS3608 Social Media, Teaching Contributor: CS3072 Final Year Project, Supervisor: CS1701 Level 1 Group Project Project, Supervisor: CS3072 & CS3074 Department of Computer Science Projects
Dr Fotios Spyridonis Dr Fotios Spyridonis
Email Dr Fotios Spyridonis Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Fotis is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science focusing on Interactive Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Serious Games and Gamification Digital Accessibility Applications of Extended Reality (XR) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Digital Health Fotis' work broadly falls into Interactive Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction. He is particularly interested in developing Human-Centred Systems for real-world applications. He has worked on using Serious Games to promote web accessibility design and improve decision making, as well as on supporting and improving chronic pain management. More recently, his work focuses on Extended Reality (XR), accessibility, and on using multisensory experiences. CS5604 - Digital Design Methodologies (Module Leader) CS2001 - Year 2 Group Project CS2555 - Work Placement CS3072/3605 - Computer Science/Business Computing Final-Year Project CS3001/CS3606 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science