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Ageing, Race and Ethnicity Seminars




The objective of our seminar series is to develop, explore theorise and codify our knowledge and understandings of the experiences of later life amongst minority communities in the UK. We will  bring together academics from a range of disciplines, policy makers, health and social care practitioners, commissioners of services, and those working in the voluntary and statutory sectors to share their perspectives and the theoretical and methodological approaches they have been developing, and their empirical findings and policy / practice implications of their research. A strong capacity building perspective focussing upon developing ECRs is embedded within our proposal.  More specifically the seminar series aims to:

1) Develop a new research network focussed upon ageing and ethnic minority communities embracing established and early career researchers and a range of those organisations using and commissioning research.

2) Generate an evidence based understanding of the experiences of later life amongst people from ethnic minority communities, both the visible (eg South Asian and African Caribbean) and ‘hidden’ populations (eg Arab, Turkish, Chinese groups) examining interconnections between generation, gender, ageing and ethnicity. 

3) To explore and document theoretical and methodological approaches that can inform future research on understanding later life through a black and ethnic minority lens.

4) Engage with key stakeholders, policymakers and practitioners across a range of sectors and agencies to inform contemporary policy debates related to the experience of later life amongst minority populations and to develop our understanding of how issues of ethnicity are addressed in the education of health and social care professionals.

5) To generate a range of high quality research outputs suitable for publication in high impact journals (e.g Journal of Gerontology, Ageing & Society) and to contribute symposia at key international conferences (World Conference of Gerontology 2013, International Sociological association 2014) and national conferences (BSG 2014) to raise the profile of research in ageing amongst ethnic minority communities. Our wider impact strategy will embrace writing for practitioner journals and developing a series of working papers published via BIAS.

The Seminars

This will comprise of six full day seminars with one focussing exclusively upon capacity building. Our indicative programme includes international experts in the field of ageing and minority communities; policy makers and practitioners and emerging researchers. Each seminar will include a discrete capacity building element for early career researchers including ‘master classes’ on, for example, key methodological issues such as informed consent.  ECRs will be offered individual mentoring opportunities with established researchers and a ‘living library event’ (including our international visitors) whereby early career researchers have ‘speed dating’ sessions with a panel of experienced academics, policy makers and practitioners.

Series Aim:  To promote discussion across disciplines within the social sciences in order to gain a more complete understanding of experiences of later life within ethnic minority groups in contemporary society. 

Programme: Speaker Abstracts 

  • Seminar 1: Black and ethnic minority perspectives on mid and later life: November 7th 2012, Brunel University. Full Agenda

Presentations: Tracey Reynolds - Ageing Well in the Age of AusterityChris Philipson -  Placing Ethnicity at the Centre of Studies in Later LifeKristine Ajrouch - Ethnic Minority Ageing in the US - Muslim PerspectivesSandra Torres - Understanding the Ethnic 'Otherness' in relation to Elderly Care 

  • Seminar 2: Developing research capacity in black and ethnic minority ageing studies: November 8th 2012, Brunel University. Full Agenda

Presentations: Sharon Wray - Methods of Working with Black and Ethnic Minority Older WomenRosalind Willis - From Researcher to Lecturer 

  •  Seminar 3: Experiencing mid and later life amongst minority communities: networks, space and place: Swansea University. 
  • Seminar 4: Understanding race, ethnicity and ageing through policy and practice: London
  • Seminar 5: Engaging black and minority mid and later life people in research: Brunel University 
  • Seminar 6: Mainstreaming Race and ethnicity and the life course: Worcester University

Series Organising team: 

Brunel University: Christina Victor, Akile Ahmet, Deborah Cairns and Wendy Martin 

Swansea University: Vanessa Burholt 

Worcester University: Karan Jutlla