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Professor Vanja Garaj Professor Vanja Garaj
Email Professor Vanja Garaj Professor of Design
Professor Vanja Garaj is Professor of Design, Director of Research for Brunel Design School and Module Leader for DM5544 Design Innovation Futures (MSc Integrated Product Design, MA Design Strategy and Innovation and MSc Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design) and DM5545 Design and Branding Futures (MA Design and Branding Strategy) modules. Vanja was previously Head of Department of Design (2018–2021) and Director of Postgraduate Research for Design. Before joining Brunel Design in 2017, he was Programme Director for MSc Digital Design and Branding in Digital Media Subject Area, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Brunel, leading a range of modules on digital design at postgraduate and undergraduate levels—covering product, service and graphic design aspects. His teaching promotes goal-oriented experimentation, while emphasising the importance of carefully managed human-centred design process and practice-based approach in collaboration with industry. He co-ordinated a number of live student briefs, across design fields, with organisations including Cancer Research UK, NHS, Pan Macmillan, Help for Heroes, Friends of the Elderly, Corney & Barrow, Shell, Ibis and BT. Vanja's research spans the areas of Inclusive Design, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User Experience (UX) and Human Factors. He has been Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on a number of research and innovation projects funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Innovate UK, Research England, Arts Council England and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)/Greater London Authority (GLA). He was awarded at Red Dot Design Award, Design Week Awards, D&AD Awards, Seoul Design Award, The Webby Awards and West London Business Awards. Design research | Human-computer interaction User-centred research aimed at design, development and evaluation of innovative systems, products and services—with the focus on digital and digital⇄physical domains and the application of the latest technology. Experience in using different user requirements capture and analysis, design and user testing and evaluation methods within the methodological frameworks of user experience (UX) design, user interface (UI) design, human-computer interaction, human-centred design, inclusive design and co-design—in the areas including digital health, assistive technology, m-learning, e-government, social networking and the IoT, brand engagement, digital arts and immersive technologies (XR). Research has also been conducted in the contexts of physical-only product design and environmental design. Photo-ethnography The photo-ethnographic work carried out over the years has resulted in several photo exhibitions and photo publications in the UK and overseas. Branding Research and design practice interests in the fields of digital brand experience design and brand identity design stem from the past work in design and branding/advertising industry and from the involvement in directing the MSc Digital Design and Branding programme at Brunel. For further details on research, please visit Brunel Digital Design Lab.
Professor Youngok Choi Professor Youngok Choi Youngok Choi is Professor of Design and Programme Director for MA Design Strategy and Innovation & Design and Branding Strategy at the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. Her research specialises in Design Policy and Strategy, Social Innovation and User Experience (UX). She is Module Leader for DM5502 Design Research (MA Design Programmes and PhD in Design), DM5557/60 Design Research Project and DM5500 Dissertation (MA Design Programmes). Youngok has taken on the role of Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator for various research and innovation initiatives funded by UKRI (UK Research and Innovation), industry, government bodies and public organisations. These projects have been funded by AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council), EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), Samsung Electronics, and Samsung Design Europe. She has also spearheaded international knowledge transfer programmes in Design management and Service Innovation. Youngok has been invited to international design conferences and events as a keynote/invited speaker, including the User Centred Design conference, the Opening Symposium at Gwangju Design Biennale (GDB) and the International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries. She is a committee member of the BSI (British Standards Institution), a steering committee member of Europe K-TAG (Korean Technology Advisory Group) at KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology), and the editorial board of Design Works Journal. Design Policy and Strategy, Design Management, Social Innovation, Innovation in NPD and Design Education Module leader Module Leader, DM5552 Design Research Module Leader, DM5557 Design and Branding Strategy Research Project 1 Module Leader, DM5560 Design Strategy and Innovation Research Project 1 Module Leader, DM5500 Dissertation Project Co-tutor DM5555 Design & Branding Research Project 2 DM5558 Design & Innovation Research Project 2
Dr Federico Colecchia Dr Federico Colecchia
Email Dr Federico Colecchia Senior Lecturer in Creative Electronics and Programming
I have over 20 years of experience in research and development across academia and the private sector, specialising in emerging technologies. I have worked on multidiscplinary research projects in close collaboration with clinical organisations such as the UCL Hospitals NHS Trust, large industry partners such as QinetiQ, and international research organisations such as the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Formerly project leader in the private sector (pharmaceutical consulting), I have collaborated closely with clinicians, biologists, statisticians, mathematicians, sociologists, psychologists, educationalists, and engineering designers, thereby developing a robust understanding of interdisciplinary collaboration dynamics and a deep appreciation of knowledge exchange and research exploitation pathways. I am a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Co-Head of External Engagement and Partnership with the Brunel Centre for AI, and a Member of the Peer Review College of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). I have considerable experience working with businesses and am available to explore opportunities for joint R&D bids, consultancy, and student projects. My research focusses on the integration between technology development, to be interpreted as development of core technologies as well as development of new application use cases of technologies in their existing form, and Human Centred Design. My work has a marked interdisciplinary character and a significant part of it has been carried out in close collaboration with private sector and clinical organisations. My current research focusses on machine learning (and artificial intelligence more broadly) and immersive technologies, with an emphasis on applications in the healthcare domain. I am a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Head of External Engagement and Partnership with the Brunel Centre for AI. I have 20+ years of R&D experience in academia and in the private sector, which has led to my establishment of a broad international network of academic and industrial collaborators. I have been active in Higher Education since 2002. I have led several undergraduate and postgraduate modules, and am presently in charge of a Year 3 Brunel Design undergraduate module covering electronics and microcontroller programming for product design (FHEQ L6), of a Year 2 undergraduate module on electronic systems, programming, and interfacing (FHEQ L6), and of the Brunel Design MSc dissertation module (FHEQ L7). Modules I previously ran include Systems Design (digital systems). I was awarded a doctoral degree (PhD) in Physics from the University of Padova in 2001, following work on a large-scale physics experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the USA. I subsequently built an interdisciplinary research and innovation portfolio around applications of artificial intelligence across discipline boundaries, with an emphasis on the biomedical domain - brain tumour segmentation from MRI scans, protein-DNA binding site prediction, informed decision-making in the pharmaceutical sector. Following my work in Padova and at Stanford, I have been a research staff member at University College London (UCL), ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, and Lund University, honorary research scientist with the UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and project leader in the private sector. My research has been funded by UK Research Councils, the EU, and private investors, and has involved close collaboration with multinational technology companies such as QinetiQ. I have collaborated closely with clinicians, biologists, statisticians, mathematicians, sociologists, psychologists, educationalists, and designers, thereby developing a robust understanding of interdisciplinary collaboration dynamics and a deep appreciation of knowledge exchange and research exploitation pathways. I have published research in computer science, human-computer interaction, design, bioinformatics, and physics, and my academic articles have received more than 6,000 citations (ResearchGate, 2023). I am sole inventor on a US patent on distributed storage and visualisation of large relational datasets. I have delivered presentations at international conferences across academic fields, chaired conference sessions, and peer-reviewed scholarly publications in medicine, human-computer interaction, and physics. Working across discipline boundaries has enabled me to publish in multiple journals and other publication outlets (from Physical Review Letters to Nucleic Acids Research to publications edited by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors). This has amplified considerably the academic impact of my research. ResearchGate: Google Scholar: Emerging technologies and sustainable development. Machine learning. Artificial Intelligence. Immersive technologies. Data mining. Information visualisation. Embedded electronics. Human Computer Interaction. Human Centred Design. Module leader: DM5551, 'Dissertation Project', FHEQ L7 (Brunel Design School) Module leader: DM3330, 'Embedded Systems for Design', FHEQ L6 (Brunel Design School) Module leader: DM2305, 'Electronic Systems, Programming and Interfacing', FHEQ L5 (Brunel Design School)

Full members

Professor David Harrison Professor David Harrison
Email Professor David Harrison Professor - Design Research
David Harrison is a Professor of Design Research and lectures in Sustainable Design and Environmentally Sensitive Design. His specialisms include exploring technological solutions to environmental problems. He has a BSc in Engineering Science and a PhD in Robotics. Employment BBC 1980-82 Engineer BBC Education 1984-89 Researcher and Director University of Portsmouth 1990-94 Senior Lecturer ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ 1994-2002 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ 2002- Chair in Design ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ 2005-06, 2008-2010 Subject Leader, Design David Harrison holds a Chair in Design in the School of Engineering and Design. He is a Chartered Engineer and has research interests in sustainable design and emerging technologies and design, is a Member of the IET, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Current research projects in 2019 are Inclusive Immersion, in collboration with Cambridge University Engineering Design Research Centre and funded by EPSRC, and Storyfutures, funded by the AHRC Creative Clusters Initiative, in collaboration with Royal Holloway University. He worked for fifteen years on innovative approaches to electronic manufacturing, and collaborating with Dr Peter Evans, he developed, patented and successfully licensed a number of new manufacturing processes in printed electronics, yielding approximately £300,000 of license income for Brunel. He was a co investigator with the EPSRC Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre, with particular interests in reducing the environmental impact of electronics manufacturing. He served on the EPSRC/DTI Sustainable Technologies Initiative panel, and is a Member of the EPSRC College of Peers. David Harrison founded the Cleaner Electronics research group and their work on renewable energy has included projects on the design of daylight capture systems, regenerative energy storage systems based on hydrogen fuel cells, and the design of low cost thermoelectric devices. The group has also carried out many research projects in environmentally sensitive design, including the first ecological footprinting of electronic products, and the development of a method for calculating the optimal ecological lifetimes for products, based on analysis of build energy and energy consumption. David Harrison was also a co investigator on two EPSRC projects on the Active Disassembly of products for recycling. He led the second phase of a large Framework 5 project on Active Disassembly, in close partnership with Sony and Nokia, and was a partner on “Paperworks”, a Framework 6 project integrating the digital world with paper. Other projects have included the EPSRC/TSB Empower project, carried out with More Associates and Warwick Manufacturing Group, which aimed to integrate creative, empathic user-centred design techniques with genuinely novel product design innovation, to reduce energy use in commercial buildings. This has developed out of a PhD project in which Daniel Lockton developed the “Design with Intent” method, a suggestion tool offering guidance to designers in choosing design techniques to encourage more sustainable behaviour. Projects with Buro Happold Consulting Engineers included Lifecycle impacts of novel retrofit technologies incorporating translucent silica aerogel – with Mark Dowson. (The aim was to design, build and characterise a new retrofitable building product which reduced the energy use of buildings), and The influence of user interface design on energy consumption in UK residential buildings –with Nicola Combe. This was a project investigating tools and methods to support sustainable and inclusive aspects of building design. Recent projects have included Power Weave - Development of a supercapacitor thread to store energy in clothing DASCIP - A patent knowledge base which enables comparison of an emerging design to existing patents thereby enabling early identification of potential conflict prior art. (Mark Atherton is P.I., EPSRC funded A manufacturing process for a wearable energy storage device using 3D printing of supercapacitors (PhD student work by Milad Arier A robotic and autonomous system that services fluids on passenger train vehicles Specialities: Professor of Design Research. and lecturer in Sustainable Design and Environmentally Sensitive Design, specialising in sustainable design. David Harrison teaches the Sustainable Design module on the MSc in Integrated Product Design, and a third year undergraduate module called Environmentally Sensitive Design. He is module leader for two further electronics modules related to embedded systems.
Dr Arthi Manohar Dr Arthi Manohar
Email Dr Arthi Manohar Senior Lecturer in Design
Arthi is a Senior Lecturer and Director for the BSC Product Design in Brunel Design School. She is a design researcher, investigating the relationship between social design and technology. Arthi joined Brunel University in 2018 as a Lecturer in Design. Previous to Brunel, she was a Research Fellow at Northumbria University Newcastle where she explored complex socio-digital problems including designing for trust within TAPESTRY project, funded by the RCUK Digital Economy. She has experience in working across interdisciplinary research groups including Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham and the Innovation School at the Glasgow School of Art. Arthi’s Doctorate was a part of an EPSRC Digital Economy project ‘Tales of Things and Electronic Memories’ (TOTeM) from University of Dundee’s Socio Digital group. Her research interests include participatory design, co-design, user-centered design and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Her research and teaching explore the role of human values by investigating the relationship between the social design and technology. Arthi is a reviewer for HCI, CSCW, IEEE, interdisciplinary journals and conference series. She has been part of various conference program chairs including British HCI 2021, Designing Interaction Systems (DIS) 2019 and IndiaHCI 2019. She is also the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion for the Department of Design since 2020. Teaching Responsibilities: Programme Director, BSc Product Design Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Director Module Leader Level 3 BAs and BSc, Interaction and User Experince Design - 2020 to present Module Leader Level 2 BSCs, Digital Design Prototyping 2023 to present Module Leader Level 2 BAs, Technical Design Applications - 2020 to 2024 Module Leader Level 1 BAs and BSc, Design Communication - 2020 to 2023 Module Leader Level 2 Professional Practice and Preperation for Professional Practice - 2019 and 2021 Co-tutor Level 4 MSc Integrated Product Design, Professional Design Studio - 2019 and 2023 Selected Masters Dissertation supervision: Inclusive Design to reduce Gender Bias in Public Transport - Qingyang Xu, 2020-2021 Women are for Mars? Speculative Design fro Future Habitats on Mars with a Focus on Women. Jon Ruscoe, 2021 to 2022. Felt-Experience in Data Visualisation of Quantified-Self. Kanchan Bapan, 2020-2021 Enhancing the in-store customer experience By using AI and AR - Fahad Alhathal, 2018-19. Heritage Rejuvenation: Design-led Branding strategy to save heritage from obsolescence - Ting Ya Chuang, 2018-19. Exploring the Role of Design Thinking within Artificial Intelligence - Andrea Gomez de la Vara, 2018-19.
Dr Rosella Paulina Galindo Esparza Dr Rosella Paulina Galindo Esparza Rosella is a Research Fellow within the Digital Design Lab. Her research interests combine design for human-computer interaction, immersive technologies (AR/VR), participatory performance and social inclusion to understand social problems. Primarily focused on the design of accessible and inclusive technology for people with disabilities and older adults, she is currently working on the EPSRC-funded project called ‘Towards an Equitable Social VR’. She has worked between academia and business consultancy as a UX researcher and designer in R&D projects for mental health, social inclusion and healthy ageing. Her PhD, from Queen Mary University of London (2022), focused on HCI design combining applied feminist performance and interactive technology for social stroke support. Human-Centred, Collaborative and Participatory Design Immersive Technologies for Social Inclusion Creative Computing Interaction Design User Research Methods Public Engagement and Social Advocacy Virtual Reality Design - Exploring the design of equitable and inclusive social immersive environments (VR) for people with disabilities and older adults.

Doctoral Researchers

Mrs Aseel Mohammad Irsheid Alja'afreh Mrs Aseel Mohammad Irsheid Alja'afreh Aseel Mohammed Aljaafreh is a PhD student in the design department. Aseel's doctoral research investigates the inclusive design and co-design approaches in revitalizing heritage buildings in Jordan. Aseel holds a double Masters's degree : - MA in architecture from the University of Liverpool- United Kingdom, that investigated '' Regenerate historical buildings in Amman – Jordan'' (2018 -2019). - MSc in Spatial Planning from German Jordanian university- Jordan, In '' Evaluation open space in informal settlements in terms of physical and social dynamics '' (2015-2018). Worked as a senior architect at a regional professional architectural consulting in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Inclusive design Revitalizing historical building Co-design Sustainability Accessibility Built space Spatial cognition and Behaviours
Mr Zixin Tian Mr Zixin Tian Zixin is a full-time PhD researcher at the School of Design, working on application design and user experience design for immersive technologies, especially virtual reality technology. He is currently working on his PhD project with Dr. Vanja Garaj and Dr. Federico Colecchia, which is dedicated to exploring and expanding the possibilities and effectiveness of virtual immersion technology in the field of rehabilitation. The application of virtual reality technology in rehabilitation medicine, especially Parkinson's disease, aims to expand the applicability of virtual reality technology. The design of virtual reality application program suitable for rehabilitation training of patients with Parkinson's disease. To explore the behavioral and psychological research of Parkinson's disease patients on the rehabilitation mode based on virtual reality technology. Zixin's research mainly focuses on the application of virtual reality technology in the rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease patients' lower extremity function. It is committed to optimizing and improving the rehabilitation methods of patients with Parkinson's disease through the research and analysis of existing rehabilitation modalities, thereby establishing a completely new rehabilitation program based on virtual reality technology. As an interdisciplinary research, the project involves design, virtual reality technology, rehabilitation medicine, pathophysiology and neurology. At the same time, the research will also be possible to discuss the user experience and use psychology of patients with Parkinson's disease when using relevant equipment for rehabilitation training.
Mrs Laila Al Jahwari Mrs Laila Al Jahwari Laila is a full-time doctoral researcher in Design Integrated PhD program under the supervision of Dr Vanja Garaj (Head of the Department of Design). Her current research is about using virtual immersive technologies to support user testing in new product design process. Qualifications M.Sc. in Advance Multimedia Design and 3D Technologies, Brunel University (2011) BSc in Multimedia Design, College of Applied Sciences, Oman (2005-2010) The use of extended reality technologies, specifically, immersive virtual reality, to support design thinking process and its integration in new product design prototyping.  Global implementations of design and the 3D technologies industry. The opportunities to shift the paradigm of how visual education through the use 3D virtual contexts is approached and taught in design and to non-design students within interdisciplinary product development teams. Multimedia Design Lecturer in College of Applied Sciences, Ibri, Ministry of Higher Education in Sultanate of Oman from 2011.