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Important literature and links

Special issue: “Following the Money: Spending on Anti-Trafficking”

  • Dottridge, M. (2014). Editorial: How is the money to combat human trafficking spent?. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Sharapov, K. (2014). Giving us the ‘Biggest Bang for the Buck’ (or Not): Anti-trafficking government funding in Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Nwogu, V. I. (2014). Anti-Trafficking Interventions in Nigeria and the Principal-Agent Aid Model. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Surtees, R., & de Kerchove, F. (2014). Who Funds Re/integration? Ensuring sustainable services for trafficking victims. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Clancey, A., Khushrushahi, N., & Ham, J. (2014). Do Evidence-Based Approaches Alienate Canadian Anti-Trafficking Funders?. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Hoff, S. (2014). Where is the Funding for Anti-Trafficking Work? A look at donor funds, policies and practices in Europe. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Ucnikova, M. (2014). OECD and Modern Slavery: How much aid money is spent to tackle the issue?. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Newcomb, R. (2014). Debate: Lessons Learnt from 10 Years and USD 50 million of Grant Making to End Human Trafficking. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Friedman, M. (2014). Debate: What Would be the Best Way to Use 10 Million Dollars in the Counter-Trafficking Sector?. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Tournecuillert, V. (2014). Debate: Strategically Working in Parallel to Traffickers. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Varia, N. (2014). Debate: Prevention and Victim Compensation. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).
  • Ellinger, N. I., & Sharma, S. (2014). Debate: Money, Money, Money. Anti-Trafficking Review, (3).

Other publications

  • Akullo, M., 2020. Return on Investment: Spending on Combatting Human Trafficking. The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, pp.1377-1391.
  • Idris, I. (2017). Funding of Anti-Modern Slavery Interventions. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. -
  • De Shalit, Ann, Robert Heynen, and Emily van der Meulen. "Human trafficking and media myths: Federal funding, communication strategies, and Canadian anti-trafficking programs." (2014): 385-412.
  • David, F., 2010. Building the infrastructure of anti‐trafficking: Information, funding, responses 1. Criminology & Public Policy9(2), pp.235-243.

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