Dr Ruiheng Wu
Senior Lecturer in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Howell 218
- Email: ruiheng.wu@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265838
Research area(s)
Analogue signal processing and circuit design; RF/microwave circuits and systems; remote health monitoring, applications of wireless technologies in life search and rescue.
Research grants and projects
Project details
1. Ongoing and Completed Research Projects as a Principal Investigator
February 2017: “Wireless 64 Channel EEG System”, the University of Greenwich Research Capital Investment Fund. The total funding: £34825.
January-December 2016: “Prediction Model for the Early Diagnosis of Dementia Using EEG Monitoring and Electronic Signal Processing”. Supported by the University of Greenwich REF Fund. The total funding: £5000.
2016-2018: “Deploying Real Time Feedback Interface and User Delegate Strategy (DRTFIUDS) in NHS Hospitals to Reduce Cost, Conserve Energy and Carbon Emission”, in collaboration with the Medway NHS. The total funding: £6000.
12/2015-07/2016: “Approach to Reduce Food Waste by Using Innovative Technology”, supported by the University of Greenwich Higher Education Innovation Fund. The total funding: £5000.
12/2012-11/2014: “Self-alerting Safety Jacket (SASJacket)”, EU FP7 project. The total funding for the project: €1494730, the total budget for University of Greenwich: €562400.
06/2008: “International Travel Grant”, supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering (£500).
01/2007-08/2007: “Design of High Linearity RF Amplifier”, supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The total funding: £25000. The project was carried out in collaboration with Imperial College and Oxford Brookes University.
06/2003-10/2003: “Design of ‘T’ Feedback Network for Amplifier Applications”, supported by the Nuffield Foundation. The total funding: £1550.
2011-2012: “Bio-RFID Location and Monitoring System Used in Disaster Search and Rescue (Phase 1 & 2)”, supported by the University of Greenwich Proof-of-Concept Fund. The total funding: £19800.
09/2009-12/2012: “Highly Linear CMOS RF Amplifiers in Wireless Communications”, supported by University of Greenwich. The total funding: £45000 approx.
2. Completed Research Projects as a Co-investigator
09/2014-07/2015: “Intelligent Modern System Design (i-MOSYDE)”, EU Interreg project. The total funding: €55000.
07/2011-09/2014: “Interregional Mobility and Competence Centres in Automation (imocca)”, EU Interreg project. The total funding for University of Greenwich: €968808.
02/1999-01/2004: “Linearization Techniques in High Frequency Analogue Amplifier”, supported by Oxford Brookes University.
1997-1998: “Unified Optimal Statistical Design Framework for Design and Yield Optimisation”, supported by the Research Grant Council, Hong Kong Government.