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The politics of (im)mortality: Death, time, and statelessness in the Middle East // Marlene Schäfers and Maria Kastrinou

Funder: British Academy Newton follow-up grant
Duration: May 2023 - May 2024

War keeps gnawing away at the textures of social life in the Middle East. As victims of political violence are mourned, as martyrs are celebrated, and as others leave to seek better lives abroad, death, loss, and disappearance remain at the forefront of everyday life. And yet, people in Syria, Kurdistan, and beyond keep dreaming of revolutionary change and imagine novel forms of political belonging. Building on our respective expertise working with Kurdish and Druze communities, this collaborative research project aims to shed light on the temporalities that death engenders in the context of statelessness and stalled sovereignty. It contributes to a growing body of scholarship conceptualizing death as productive of social life and political community.


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Maria Kastrinou Dr Maria Kastrinou
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology
T: +44 (0)1895 265059
E: maria.kastrinou@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 265059 maria.kastrinou@brunel.ac.uk Marie Jahoda 219