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Professor Philip Garner
Professor - Education

Gaskell 207

Research Interests

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) & Inclusive Education; marginalised youth/people, school leadership, institutional change; inclusive professional practice in education; communities of professional practice; teacher development; international & comparative education

Research grants and projects

Project details

2014   European Commission / Ministry of Education, Turkey: Promoting Inclusive Schooling (£20,000)

2015   London Leadership Strategy: Evaluation of SEND Review (£9,000)

2016   Government of Australia: Leading Learning 4All: Resources for School Leadership (£150,000)

2016   Ministry of Education, Norway: Evaluation of Vocational Education and Training in Georgia (£55,000)

2016   Sightsavers/Ministry of Education, Sierra Leone: Development of Inclusive Education Policy for Sierra Leone (£35,000)

2016   EU Daphne II: ICAM – Including Children Affected by Migration (£330,000)

2016   UNICEF (China) Developing Child Friendly Curricula (£140,000)

2017   European Commission: Equity and Social Inclusion through Positive Parenting (£90,000)

2017   UNICEF Bhutan/MoE Bhutan: Household Survey of Childhood Disability (£80,000)

2018   European Commission (EACEA): Evaluation Study: Teach UP Curriculum Project (£20,000)

2018   European Commission (EACEA): Evaluation Study: Leading2Change Project (£18,000)

2018   Portsmouth Teaching School Alliance: DfE External Review (£22,000)

2019   DfE/Whole School SEND: Promising Practice in Alternative Provision for SEND (£20,000)

2019   EACEA Social Inclusion: Networking ICAM Migration (£110,000)