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Miss Natalie Asamoah Russell
PhD Student


I am a doctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at Brunel University, London, as well as a consultant, facilitator, and Associate Lecture of Psychology at another University of London. I hold a PGCE teaching qualification and have prior experience in education, advisory, and executive roles.

Please do not hesitate to contact! Let’s connect on 

BSc, PGCE, Doctoral Researcher

Research interests:

- Adolescent development

- Lived experiences, storytelling, and autobiographical research

- Intersectionality 

- Black Feminism 

- Anti-racism

- Intimate partner violence and domestic abuse

- Relationship development and emotional intelligence 

- Community support and education interventions

  • Intimate Partner Violence in Teenage Relationships. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of domestic violence. Springer.
  • Public Perceptions of Violence against Women. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of domestic violence. Springer.
  • Written Evidence Submitted to the Equality and Social Justice Committee consultation on The Public Health Approach to Preventing Gender-based Violence. Senedd Cymru Welsh Parliament.