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Dr Nadine Aburumman
Lecturer in Computer Science

Journal refereeing

  • Quality and User Experience
    Date: 06/2023
  • International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
    Date: 02/2023
  • ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
    Date: 11/2022
  • Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
    Date: 02/2022
  • The Visual Computer
    Date: 01/2022
  • Graphical Models Journal
    Date: 02/2020
  • Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association
    Date: 02/2019
  • Computers and Graphics (UK)
    Date: 01/2019
  • IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics TVCG
    Date: 01/2017

Conference refereeing

  • International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2021)
    Date: 01/2021
  • Computer Graphics & Visual Computing 2020
    Date: 01/2020

Committee membership

  • IVA'23 (ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 02/2023
  • Computer Graphics International 2023 (CGI)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 01/2023
  • 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Perception and Computer Vision (CIPCV 2023)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 09/2022
  • International conference on computational science (ICCS 2022)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 01/2022
  • Computer Science Brunel PhD Symposium (CSBPS 2020)
    Committee role: Reviewer
    Date: 09/2020
  • Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC 2020)
    Committee role: Reviewer
    Date: 06/2020
  • International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2020)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 06/2020


  • Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC)
    Date: 07/2020
  • EGUK (UK chapter of Eurographics)
    Date: 06/2020
  • EUROGRAPHICS Association
    Date: 02/2016