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Professor Geoff Rodgers
Pro Vice Chancellor - Enterprise and Employment

Eastern Gateway 301D


D'Hulst, R. and Rodgers, GJ. (2001) ''. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 21 (3). pp. 447 - 453. ISSN: 1434-6028

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Darby-Dowman, K. (2001) ''. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 23 (2). pp. 267 - 271. ISSN: 1434-6028

Journal article

D'Hulst, R. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 280 (3-4). pp. 554 - 565. ISSN: 0378-4371

Journal article

Sotolongo-Costa, O., Rodriguez, AH. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 286 (3-4). pp. 638 - 642. ISSN: 0378-4371

Journal article

Khorunzhy, A. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 3 (1). pp. 1 - 31. ISSN: 1385-0172

Journal article

Tavassoli, Z. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 14 (1). pp. 139 - 144. ISSN: 1434-6028

Journal article

D'hulst, R. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 278 (3-4). pp. 579 - 587. ISSN: 0378-4371

Journal article

Edwards, PJ., Hobson, PR. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''.Conference on Optical Diagnostics for Industrial Applications. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. SPIE. pp. 269 - 280. ISSN: 0277-786X

Conference paper

Sotolongo-Costa, O., Rodriguez, AH. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. Entropy, 2 (4). pp. 172 - 177. ISSN: 1099-4300

Journal article

D'Hulst, R. and Rodgers, GJ. (2000) ''. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 3 (4). pp. 609 - 616. ISSN: 0219-0249

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. (1999) 'Methodologies in spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices, a review, by ZD Bai. Comment: Spectral analysis of random matrices using the replica method'. Statistica Sinica, 9 (3). pp. 662 - 667. ISSN: 1017-0405

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1999) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 32 (8). pp. 1387 - 1393. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

D'hulst, R. and Rodgers, GJ. (1999) ''. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 270 (3-4). pp. 514 - 525. ISSN: 0378-4371

Journal article

Tavassoli, Z. and Rodgers, GJ. (1999) ''. Physics Letters A, 256 (4). pp. 272 - 283. ISSN: 0375-9601

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1998) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 31 (1). pp. 107 - 122. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1998) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 31 (17). pp. 3977 - 3988. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Khorunzhy, A. and Rodgers, GJ. (1998) ''. Reports on Mathematical Physics, 42 (3). pp. 297 - 319. ISSN: 0034-4877

Journal article

Filipe, JAN., Rodgers, GJ. and Tavassoli, Z. (1998) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 31 (37). pp. 7417 - 7427. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Tavassoli, Z. (1998) ''. Physics Letters A, 246 (3-4). pp. 252 - 258. ISSN: 0375-9601

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1997) ''. Physical Review E, 55 (3). pp. 2573 - 2579. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Khorunzhy, A. and Rodgers, GJ. (1997) ''. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38 (6). pp. 3300 - 3320. ISSN: 0022-2488

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1997) ''. Physical Review E, 55 (3). pp. 3312 - 3319. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Filipe, JAN. (1997) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 30 (10). pp. 3449 - 3461. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1997) ''. Physical Review E, 56 (2). pp. 1976 - 1980. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Kartal, S. and Rodgers, GJ. (1997) ''. Physics Letters A, 225 (4-6). pp. 239 - 244. ISSN: 0375-9601

Journal article

Singh, P. and Rodgers, GJ. (1996) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 29 (2). pp. 437 - 450. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Head, DA. and Rodgers, GJ. (1996) ''. Physical Review E, 54 (2). pp. 1101 - 1105. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Hassan, MK. (1996) ''. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 233 (1-2). pp. 19 - 30. ISSN: 0378-4371

Journal article

Hassan, MK. and Rodgers, GJ. (1996) ''. Physics Letters A, 218 (3-6). pp. 207 - 211. ISSN: 0375-9601

Journal article

Filipe, JAN. and Rodgers, GJ. (1996) ''. Physical Review E, 54 (2). pp. 1290 - 1297. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Filipe, JAN. and Rodgers, GJ. (1995) ''. Physical Review E, 52 (6). pp. 6044 - 6054. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Singh, P. and Rodgers, GJ. (1995) ''. Physical Review E, 51 (4). pp. 3731 - 3734. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Singh, P. (1995) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 28 (4). pp. 767 - 774. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Hassan, MK. and Rodgers, GJ. (1995) ''. Physics Letters A, 208 (1-2). pp. 95 - 98. ISSN: 0375-9601

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Hassan, MK. (1994) ''. Physical Review E, 50 (5). pp. 3458 - 3463. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Cory, H. and Rodgers, GJ. (1993) ''. Journal of Chemical Physics, 99 (11). pp. 8908 - 8913. ISSN: 0021-9606

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. (1993) ''. Physical Review E, 48 (6). pp. 4271 - 4273. ISSN: 1539-3755

Journal article

Derrida, B. and Rodgers, GJ. (1993) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 26 (9). pp. L457 - L463. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Hobson, PR. and Rodgers, GJ. (1993) ''. Journal of Modern Optics, 40 (10). pp. 1973 - 1980. ISSN: 0950-0340

Journal article

Pesz, K. and Rodgers, GJ. (1992) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 25 (4). pp. 705 - 713. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. (1992) ''. Physical Review A, 45 (6). pp. 3432 - 3434. ISSN: 1050-2947

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and De Dominicis, C. (1990) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 23 (9). pp. 1567 - 1573. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Moore, MA. (1989) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 22 (8). pp. 1085 - 1100. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Bray, AJ. and Rodgers, GJ. (1988) ''. Physical Review B, 38 (13). pp. 9252 - 9254. ISSN: 1098-0121

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Bray, AJ. (1988) ''. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 21 (9). pp. 2177 - 2185. ISSN: 0305-4470

Journal article

Rodgers, GJ. and Bray, AJ. (1988) ''. Physical Review B, 37 (7). pp. 3557 - 3562. ISSN: 1098-0121

Journal article

Bray, AJ. and Rodgers, GJ. (1988) ''. Physical Review B, 38 (16). pp. 11461 - 11470. ISSN: 1098-0121

Journal article

Bray, AJ. and Rodgers, GJ. (1988) ''. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 21 (8). pp. L243 - L248. ISSN: 0022-3719

Journal article