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Dr Alice Baynes
Divisional Lead / Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences

Heinz Wolff 001D

  • Environmental Sciences


Environmental Sciences BSc 

Level 5 co-ordinator 

Module Leader: Ecosystem Stressors (ES2706)

Assessment block leader

Environmental Change and the Anthropocene - Synoptic Coursework (ES2801)

Environmental Change and the Anthropocene - Synoptic Exam (ES2802)

Additional tutor:

Earth System Science (ES1703)

BASc Global Challenges (Planetary Health) 

Additional tutor:

  • Foundations of Planetary Health in Practice - Natural Systems and Processes (GC1804)
  • Ecosystem Transformations and Health Impacts (GC2701)
  • Environmental Change (GC2805)

BSc Life Sciences

Module Leader: Ecosystem Stressors (BB2818)