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Open Day: Institutes of Energy Futures & Materials and Manufacturing

Join us for a joint Open Day exploring the Institute of Energy Futures, led by Professor Savvas Tassou, and the Institute of Materials & Manufacturing, led by Professor Hamid Bahai.  

10:00 Arrival and Refreshments 
10:30 Welcome and Introduction to the Institute of Energy Futures – Professor Savvas Tassou (Institute Director) 

Welcome and Introduction to the Institute of Materials and Manufacturing – Professor Hamid Bahai (Institute Director) 

Clean Energy, Sustainable Growth and Circular and Bio Economies (Parallel Session) Towards Zero Carbon Transport and Power Machinery – Professor Hua Zhao (Vice Provost and Dean of College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences and Director, Centre for Advanced Powertrain and Fuels) Decarbonisation and Digitalisation of Electrical Power Systems – Professor Gareth Taylor (Head of Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Director of Brunel Institute of Power Systems) Fundamental and Applied Research into Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies  Professor Tassos Karayiannis (Director, Centre for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies) Climate Change Resilient Buildings – Professor Maria Kolokotroni (Director, Centre for Resource Efficient Future Cities) 


11:30 Smart Manufacturing and Materials Innovation (Parallel Session) Modelling of Materials on a Mesoscopic Length Scale – Examples of Rapid / Dynamic Processes”– Professor Hamid Assadi (Head of Virtual Engineering Centre and Professor of Solidification) Material Characterisation for Fracture & Damage – Professor Rade Vignjevic (Director of Centre for Assessment of Structures & Materials Under Extreme Conditions) Meeting the Plastics Pact Targets for Food Packaging via Polymer and Luminescent Materials Processing – Dr. George Fern (Director of Wolfson Centre for Sustainable Materials Development & Processing) Applications of subsurface digital twins for integrity assessment of CCS operations – Adrian Rodrigues-Herrera (Manager Subsurface Modelling at Schlumberger) 



Networking Lunch and Poster Presentations 

Lab Tours, including our: Power Labs; Powertrains Fuels and Heat and Mass Transfer; Experimental Techniques Centre / Wolfson Centre; Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains; Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology; Structures Lab 


Please register for this Open Day  


This event is one of many lively sessions at the Brunel Research Festival in May. Explore the full programme at brunel.ac.uk/BRF