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WISEflow for students

For important information on remote/ take home exams on WISEflow, visit.

Click on the links below to access WISEflow resources for students:

Accessing WISEflow

The most effective way to access WISEflow is via or from the automated email generated by WISEflow.

Advice on file formats and upload limits

WISEflow has a file size limit for uploads

 Flow assign icon



Main PDF submission: 200MB


Total submission: 5GB

Appendix material: 

You can continue adding files here until your 

total submission, including the main PDF, is 5GB 


Users can reduce the size of their PDF file using available online compression platforms such as 

Important: although you can upload any file type as appendix material on FLOWassign or as your main submission on FLOWhandin, make sure you are still submitting file types that the markers will be able to open easily.  Here are some general recommendations:

Recommended file types for submission in WISEflow

Typed/ written documents

  • PDF (required for FLOWassign)


  • ODT

  • TXT



  • CSV


  • ODP (be aware that this format is best for simple presentations as some information might be lost when saving and opening .odp files.)


  • MP3
  • WAV


  • MP4

  • AVI


  • JPEG

  • PNG

Note: if your coursework brief instructs you to upload a specific file type not listed in the table above, those instructions should take priority. 

Browser recommendations

We would recommend using Chrome to access WISEflow as this is generally the most stable and supportive browser. The following web browsers are also suggested:

  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

Web browsers not listed here may also be used to access WISEflow, however we cannot guarantee a consistent user experience for them. Make sure that your chosen browser is up to date at all times to prevent errors from occurring when using WISEflow. 

Note: Internet Explorer (IE) is not recommended. Microsoft officially ended support for IE in November 2020 and this browser will likely prevent you from accessing key features on WISEflow and other browser based applications. 

Compressing large files

Users can reduce the size of their PDF file using available online compression platforms such as 

You can compress large video files using the free sofware . View the following video guide to help you:


Device recommendations (what kind of laptop should I bring to Brunel?)

The slideshow below covers some general recommendations for a device. These recommendations take both digital exams and general study into account so that, if your device is well maintained, this should see you through several years of study.

  • Battery life recommendations
  • General information, we do not recommend Chrome Books or iPads
  • Operating system recommendations
  • Processor recommendations
  • RAM recommendations
  • Screen size recommendations
  • Storage space recommendations
  • What kind of laptop should I bring to Brunel?

If your current device doesn't meet some or all of these recommendations, don't worry. The most important thing is that you can use it to study. It is also important that you check whether you are able to take a WISEflow exam on your device well in advance of your digital examinations. If you need to borrow a suitable device for your exams, see Where can I borrow a laptop for my exams?

Errors when logging in

If you are a new student or have never used WISEflow before, you may see a screen like this when you try to log in for the first time:


In this instance, your account may not have been set up yet. Your account will be created when your first assignment is activated. You should wait to receive an automated email from WISEflow about your first assignment, along with your deadline and a direct link to the submission area. You can then click on the link in the email to sign into your account, or go to  and log in using your network username and password.

If you have already had an automated email from WISEflow and are still having trouble signing into your account, please contact WISEflowHelp@brunel.ac.uk as there may be an issue with your account settings.

If you are having trouble accessing other services such as Blackboard you may have issues with your network account. In this case please visit the Tech Zone, on the ground floor of the Bannerman library or contact the IT Services team.

Errors when uploading files

When uploading a PDF file to a FLOWassign type flow, you may see this error message, despite the fact that your file does not appear to be corrupt:


This typically occurs when you use an outdated web browser. If you are unable to update your web browser to the latest version (e.g. because you are on a University managed device which requires admin permissions), try switching to Chrome instead, where the previous two versions are still supported. 

Find old assignments

WISEflow automatically archives previous assignments so that the ‘Flow Overview’ can display current and up to date flows. This happens automatically 1 month after the marking period has ended. You can access past work from your Archive as seen in the image below:


Flow states

Flow states student

1. You have been added to the flow but it has not started yet. You will need to wait until the start date/ time has been reached to see your coursework brief and start uploading/ submitting your work, but you might be able to see items under "Additional material" that you've been permitted to access early. 

2. The flow has started. You can now access your coursework brief and start uploading and submitting your work.

3. The flow is now closed for participation and your submitted work is being marked.

4. The marking period has ended and you can now access the flow to view grades and feedback. 

Flow types

Different flow types that you may encounter on WISEflow
FLOWassign icon   FLOWassign The most common flow type used for coursework submission. Focused on written/ typed submissions such as essays and reports. Accepts a PDF file only for the main upload, but other files can be attached as appendix material if this is permitted.
 FLOWattend icon  FLOWattend  A flow that can be used for attendance based modules such as placements, or where you do not need to submit anything digitally. A physical submission (e.g. a performance or a product prototype) may still be required.
 FLOWhandin icon  FLOWhandin  A flow for you to submit coursework which is not primarily written (e.g. PowerPoint slides, a video diary or a game prototype). This will accept any file type whatsoever. 
 FLOWlock icon  FLOWlock  A flow type used for secure, typed essay style examinations. A piece of software called the LockDown browser will need to be downloaded and installed before taking a FLOWlock exam. 
FLOWmulti iconFLOWmulti lockdown icon FLOWmulti A flow type used for exams which contain multiple choice or interactive questions. If there is a padlock symbol on this icon, you'll need to have the LockDown browser installed on your device in order to take the exam. 

The flow page

When you click on a flow from your overview, you'll be taken to the main flow page for the assignment. At the top of this page is the submission deadline:

Submission deadline

Once the start date/ time is reached, you'll see your coursework brief in the middle of the page under "Assignment" (or exam questions for a take home/ open book exam):

Coursework brief

On the right hand side of the page, you can view more information about how the flow is being graded, who is managing the administration for the flow (your TPO administrators) and who is marking the work, if appropriate:

Flow information 1

You can also see any additional material for your assignment that has been uploaded (e.g. questions for a seen exam) and access any direct messages that have been sent to you on the flow:

Flow information 2

At the bottom of the page is the area where you can upload and submit coursework:

Flow submission area

Or start an exam:

Start exam flow

Got no flow?

If you are worried that a current assignment is missing from your Flow Overview, contact your Taught Programmes Office (TPO) administrators and they will be able to assist you. 

If you can no longer see an old assignment that you used to have access to, the flow may have been archived. See Find old assignments for more information.

How to get help

Please contact your Taught Programmes Office (TPO) in the first instance informing them of your student number, module code and the specific assignment relating to your query.

If you are having trouble accessing other services such as Blackboard you may have issues with your network account. In this case, please visit the Tech Zone, on the ground floor of the Bannerman library or contact the IT Services team.

For any other technical queries relating to WISEflow you can email the WISEflow Help team at WISEflowHelp@brunel.ac.uk

How to save as a PDF

FLOWassign submissions must be in PDF format. You cannot convert a Word document to PDF just by changing the file name. Instead, you should follow the guidelines below. If you want to add digital material to supplement your coursework or exam paper (film, sound recordings, programmes, etc.), you should upload this material as “Appendix material.”


Microsoft Windows Vista and XP do not come with a PDF functionality and therefore the procedure for saving/printing your document as PDF differs depending on the version you have installed on your computer. Quite often, there will be a button labelled “Save as PDF,” but if this does not apply to your computer, you may find the solution in the guidelines for the most commonly used programs below.

Microsoft Office

Word 2010 or newer has a PDF function incorporated

Word 2007 requires a plug-in, which must be installed

Word 2003 or older - unfortunately, PDF options are not supported. We suggest one of the following alternative solutions:


LibreOffice is an office suite that has many of the same functions as Microsoft Office. LibreOffice allows you to export your document as PDF directly through the “File” tab, which means it is very easy to convert your document to a PDF version. Moreover, LibreOffice also allows you to open a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx) and export it to PDF.

LibreOffice can be downloaded free of charge from 

Google Docs*:

If you have a Google account, you can upload your Word document to docs.google.com and download it as a PDF file.

* This may change some of the formatting in your document (font, graphics and layout), which may be inconvenient. Always make sure to review your PDF file before submitting it.


If you are using Mac OS/X 10.4 or a more recent version, saving your document as a PDF is very easy. Select “Print” as if you were printing your paper, and in the print window select “Save as PDF” in the bottom left-hand corner. This converts your document into a PDF file, maintaining the layout and formatting.

How to upload/ submit files

Once you're ready to submit, click the "Upload" button in the first area on the left and select the appropriate file(s):

Submit coursework 1

Remember, if files are large or your internet connection is poor this will have an impact on upload times. Give yourself plenty of time before the deadline to complete this. If you've uploaded a compatible file type (e.g. PDF, MP4, JPEG) you will also be able to preview what you're going to submit. 

Next, check the cover sheet area in the middle. If there are fields that you can complete, you'll see a blue "Fill in the cover sheet" button:

Submit coursework 2

You may also see a yellow warning message here if there are mandatory fields that have not yet been filled in. WISEflow will not let you submit unless these mandatory fields are completed. Mandatory fields on the cover sheet are denoted by an asterisk (*):

Fill in cover sheet

The final step is to click the green "Click here to hand in" button on the right:

Submit coursework 3

Once clicked, you'll see that you have successfully submitted your work:

Successful hand in

Remote/ "at home" exams

For detailed information on taking your digital exams at home, it is strongly recommended that you . You may also find the following guidance videos useful:

Guide to FLOWassign take home exams


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Guide to FLOWhandin take home exams


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Guide to FLOWmulti take home exams


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How to use Microsoft Office Lens to create PDFs (Android)


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How to use Microsoft Office Lens to create PDFs (iPhone)

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See feedback

Your results will be available once the academics have finished marking your work and the flow looks like this in your overview:

Ended Flow


Demo flow ended


If you cannot see your feedback even though the flow has ended, contact your Taught Programmes Office (TPO) administrators.

Submission receipts

Once you've clicked the button to hand in your work, there will be a blue "Request receipt" button that you can click to receive email confirmation of the date and time that you submitted:

Successful hand in

Note: these receipts will be invalidated if you withdraw your submission.

Submitting your thesis for originality checking

When you are nearly ready to submit your thesis, you will need to send a final draft of your thesis to your Principal Supervisor for review as part of the CheckIt process. To do this:

  1. Advise the PGR Office that you are ready to upload to WISEflow. 

  2. The PGR Office will set up the system and you will receive an email with a link to the WISEflow page.

  3. You should upload the final draft of your thesis in PDF format via this page. WISEflow will generate a report for your principal supervisor to review.

  4. Please allow a minimum of five working days for processing and marking, and extra time over University closure periods at Christmas and Easter.

  5. Your supervisor will indicate a pass or not a pass on the similarity report which you can access via the WISEflow link.

  6. If this is not a pass you should meet with your supervisor urgently to address the issues, prior to formally submitting your thesis to the PGR office.

Where can I borrow a laptop for my exams?

Important: the process for borrowing a laptop for WISEflow exams has changed for the current examination period due to the Covid-19 quarantine. . 

Withdraw or change your submission

If permitted, you can withdraw and change your submission on WISEflow as many times as you like up until the deadline. However, there are certain things you need to be aware of:

The system only keeps the latest version of your submitted work. If you are uploading a newer version make sure you have enough time to upload and hand-in again before you do so. The screenshot below provides a step-by-step approach:

Click on 'Withdraw submission' (highlighted below):

 Withdraw submission

Tick the box, and then click 'Execute':

Warning - withdraw submission

Click on the burger menu just after the main paper you have uploaded; from the options select delete, and then click confirm.

Delete paper

Try to avoid making any last minute changes to your submission on WISEflow in order to avoid submitting late.