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Yooku Hayford

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Name: Yooku Hayford

Course: Post Graduate MA International Relations

 What challenges do you enjoy? Walking 10,000 daily steps!

How & when do you move to collect steps/points? Usually when I’m going to work or to campus for lectures or to shop. And it’s usually during the day. I also try to use the stairs more often and monitor my exercise routine using my Apple Watch. This allows me to track my number of steps too and see how much I’m getting in. My goal is usually to take 10,000 steps plus since this is the health target for adults around my age.

Were you collecting or counting steps before you used Brunel Moves? Yes, the company I used to work for had an app which encouraged employees to walk for monterary rewards so this was quite familiar and piqued my interest.

Would you recommend Brunel Moves to a friend? Definitely, have already started doing so.

What’s been your favourite reward to date? The brunel merchandise-bottle and shirt, but burger and chips as well.

Since using Brunel Moves would you say you have a more positive relationship with physical activity? Definitely, I’m always checking my steps to see how much I record daily and if I’ve moved enough.

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