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John Cyril Chalmers

John Cyril Chalmers


Shoreditch College


Teacher employed by the London County Council

WW1 rank

Second Lieutenant

20th (Tyneside Scottish) Bn., Northumberland Fusiliers

Theatre of war


Date of death

15 October 1916

Location of death



Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension


Military Medal for gallantry in France while acting Company Sergeant Major in the 1/4th Battalion Highlanders

1914-1915 Star

British War Medal

Victory Medal


Second Lieutenant John Cyril Chalmers joined the Cameron Highlanders as a Private in September 1914. He quickly rose through the ranks becoming Acting Sergeant Major on 24th May 1916. Second Lieutenant Chalmers received his commission 9th September 1916 and joined the Northumberland Fusiliers on the 19th September. There is some confusion about his death and his body was never found. His official record states his death as 15th October 1916, although some sources (including the telegram sent to his parents) state his death as being on the 16th. Second Lieutenant Chalmers was 24 at the time of his death and his remembered at Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension in France.


Shoreditch College War memorial photograph

London County Council Record of Service

London Gazette 27th October, 1916

MIC Public Records Office [Now National Archives], Kew

Peter Doyle – ‘Doomed Youth’: The War Dead of the Woolwich Polytechnic, 1914-18