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Notes for contributors

House style

Articles should conform to Chicago style (Documentation One). See  (PDF)

Articles should not exceed 8,000 words (not including endnotes). Shorter pieces, including notes and commentaries are welcomed, as are review essays covering a number of texts.

Articles must be submitted in English. US spelling will normally be edited to conform to UK practice.

Notes and references should appear as endnotes.

Authors are responsible for securing any copyright clearance necessary, for quotations or for graphical or illustrative material.

Submission of material

All articles and creative work may be emailed to the editorial address, entertext@brunel.ac.uk.

Two copies of submitted texts, one in Word97, one in Rich Text Format, should be sent as attachments. Visual material should be submitted as jpeg attachments.

Electronic submission procedure

  • Articles (up to 8,000 words), should be in attachments marked ARTL, and include a short CV and 100 word abstract.
  • Short articles and review essays (up to 3,000 words) should be in attachments marked SHRT and include a short CV.
  • Attachments with creative work should be marked CW and accompanied by a short CV.
  • Information, notes, and queries, for listing on the bulletin board (maximum 300 words), should be sent as attachments marked LIST. Senders should identify themselves clearly.
  • Initial offers to review cultural events and publications should include a description of the item for review and a short CV of the proposed reviewer. Reviews (maximum 500 words) should be in attachments marked REV.
  • Instructions for contributions to the forum are on the web-site.

There is no need to send floppy discs unless contributors do not have access to e-mail. Any floppies should be scanned for viruses and details of the virus scan program used notified.

Identical paper copy may be submitted to the following address, but copy not also submitted in electronic form will not normally be considered for publication:

The Editor, EnterText, Faculty of Arts, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK.