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First Week of Digital Exams

Posted: Thursday 11th May 2017

Author: Claudia Cox 

The first week of exams is drawing to a close: so far we've run 5 exams for over 400 students which have overall gone very well, and the sixth is promising to go the same way. The few times we've managed to catch students afterwards to ask how they thought it went, responses have been varying degrees of "good" and "alright, actually!" - and there have been multiple instances where the students haven't even mentioned the fact that they just took their exam on a laptop instead of using pen and paper. At first glance, the pace of integration and adaptation to digital exams by students has been very impressive.

The Student Associate Learning Technologists (SALTs) mentioned in our previous post have also been getting some good experience in spotting and addressing any technical issues students may have before or during exams, and have proven to be an invaluable support team in the larger examinations; alongside the invigilators, they've kept the process running smoothly and minimised disruptions.

 Sports Exam 2

Once examinations are over we'll do a more comprehensive write-up, but for now it's onto the sixth and final exam of this week.