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Exciting Upcoming Events

Posted: Monday 15th January 2018

Author: Claudia Cox

UPDATE 15/05/18 - Our much anticipated conference finally happened last month it was a truly fantastic day. Over 100 guests came from far and wide to discuss the implementation of digital assessment in higher education, along with its various promises, pitfalls and pedagogical enhancements. Our heartfelt thanks go out to our excellent speakers and audience, and to our impossibly organised colleagues who were key to the success of this event.

For those of you who couldn't make it or had such a great time that you just want to relive it all, the event page has now been updated with our recap of the day's events.

UPDATE 18/02/18 - The webpage for this conference is now live! Visit for more information and links to registration.

We hope you all had a good break over the Christmas period and are ready and raring to go! We certainly are, and we're keen to announce our upcoming conference at Brunel:

Learning from Digital Examinations


Thursday April 26th 2018


An increasing number of institutions in the UK and elsewhere are adopting digital assessment for coursework and exams. This one-day conference builds on the workshop held at Brunel in March 2017, and is aimed at exploring the potential for digital assessment to shape assessment practices - can they help to make assessment a learning experience?


Request for Contributions

We are inviting contributions on topics relating to assessment (examinations and coursework assignments) using a digital platform. In particular we welcome contributions on:

  • Administration of assessment
  • Experience of piloting digital exams – operational; staff and student experience
  • Changing assessment practices

Please submit a 100-word abstract and indicate your preference for presentation format:

  • 15 min talk + 5 min Q&A
  • 5min speed-session, organised in groups of 3 with 15 min Q&A


The cost of the conference is £100.

Programme and registration information will be available at the beginning of February.


Abstracts and queries should be submitted to DigitalExams2018@brunel.ac.uk by 28th February 2018.

The atmosphere at our first event back in March was incredible and the conference in April this year promises to be bigger and better, so we look forward to being joined by guests from even more institutes and organisations in this fantastic and informative experience.